Wednesday 28 August 2013

Thank you for tuning in. I make no apology for this blog. The content is entirely of my own making ...a form of catharsis if you like.
My name is Marcus Rowell and I am an auctioneer and valuer. 
The loathsome portrayal of my kind and the trade or fancy in general by the television prompts me to ask a simple question....
Is anyone who watches TV antiques drivel capable of retaining the slightest amount of information? 

Given the paucity of genuine informatique one would have thought that it shouldn't be too difficult.
Is it then all about money? Is there any interest in the applied arts, art or anything good without a backstamp? Do not even the coarser points of manufacture or fakery evince even the merest flutter of anticipatory intellectual interest in the waxed pigeon chests of the average daytime TV watcher?
The answer is of course a resounding


Do you care what the answer is to the oleaginous chap when he asks ....‘and what are you going to do with the money?’......
If you want them to say: ’arse it will just about pay for half a days shopping at Tesco’ Then read on.

If you are interested in the important contribution of £37.50 to their trip to Australia please please read on......